Our Story
Merakas was established as a private limited company in 1992. There was developed an original graphical editor of timetables enabling coordination of not only timetables of public traffic routes of a city, but also timetables of all kinds of traffic of a country (buses, trams, trolleybuses, microbuses, planes and ferries) in all directions and in any point (at stops, crossings, railway and bus stations, airports and harbours). It is possible to simultaneously coordinate over 50 routes in various points of a city (a region, a country) and to rapidly review coordination results in the simulation mode . There was developed an original timetable production algorithm enabling optimization of operation of vehicles according to passenger traffic (e.g. according to the desired interval during a day or quantities of vehicles per day), as well as saving of electric power and fuel. In individual cases, for example, when the interval is increased by 1 to 2 minutes, one vehicle per route may be “saved”. In 2000 this algorithm was highly rated in the international Berlin conference „Computer Aided Scheduling in Public Transport“
. The algorithm saved app. 3 million USD in Vilnius. Interesting information from the story – we are the first in Europe to start providing public transport timetables for mobile phones via SMS in 2002. The partners of this service were mobile operators “Omnitel” and “Bite”.
Today, Merakas is known as a key player in the Baltic States in the field of software development for Urban Public Transport planning, coordination and publication of the information about public traffic on the Internet and in mobile phones. Merakas is well acquainted with this type of software (applications) developed in the West and East Europe.
Software developed by the Merakas are integrated into other systems:
- the E-Ticket system “m.Ticket”, developed by company “Itero”;
- E-Ticket system "RIDANGO", installed in city Klaipėda; developed by Estonian company "Ridango";
- the Vehicle Monitoring system, developed by company “Ruptela”;
- geographical information system www.maps.lt developed by company “Hnit-Baltic”;
- real-time passenger information system (EMTEST, Slovakia);
- the E-Ticket system and real-time passenger information system (TARAN and R&G, Poland);
- the online bus ticketing system developed by companies “Kautra“ and “NFQ”;
- the real-time passenger information system (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
- the real-time passenger information system (Krasnodar, Russia);
- real-time passenger information system (“SWARCO”, Austria);
- the real-time passenger information system (“THOREB”, Sweden).